
Peter K. Koch

Simple Present

30.8. –12.10.2013
  • <p><em>Simple Present</em>, installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei, 2013</p>

    Simple Present, installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei, 2013

  • <p><em>Simple Present</em>, installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei, 2013</p>

    Simple Present, installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei, 2013

  • <p><em>Simple Present</em>, installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei, 2013</p>

    Simple Present, installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei, 2013

  • <p><em>Simple Present</em>, installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei, 2013</p>

    Simple Present, installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei, 2013

  • <p><em>Simple Present</em>, installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei, 2013</p>

    Simple Present, installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei, 2013

  • <p><em>Simple Present</em>, installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei, 2013</p>

    Simple Present, installation view, Kuckei + Kuckei, 2013

Peter K. Koch´s show Simple Present at Kuckei + Kuckei remise consists of four site specific works. The three large scale installations o.T. (Simple Present I, II, III) mark he further development of elements and strategies resulting from earlier works. Starting point of the consideration in Koch´s work and a recurring element is the slight ambiguity between two-dimensionality and three-dimensionality. Spatial perception, being in a picture only illusionistically generateable, is now physically tested. Perspicuity and austerity in formal construction aline with vivid chromaticity and physically tangible attributes of the material. That´s how Minimalism turns into Maximalism.

Another recurring factor in Koch´s works is the surface. At first sight often smooth and without perceptible traces of the artists touch, this impression changes up close where one is able to discover small imperfections or details from the construction process as fine pencil lines or visible staples. The three installations on the walls are attended by a location-based intervention – o.T. (Permanent Makeshift). The intervention persists of a sculptural-architectural passage between the two exhibition spaces in the remise. To the visitor remains uncertain wether it is a temporary artistic action or a permanent architectural shift. The work´s seemingly mobility is another element with which Koch like to dally.

see artist